Why sleep on left side?

Sleeping on the left side is recommended for pregnant people.


on this side improves blood flow between the heart, fetus, uterus and kidneys, while keeping pressure out of the liver. If you feel uncomfortable, doctors recommend switching to the right side for a short time instead of sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your left side is thought to have the greatest benefits for your overall health.

Even so, either side can offer benefits in terms of sleep apnea and relief from chronic low back pain. According to Medical Daily, “Sleeping on your right side can worsen heartburn. However, sleeping on the left side can put pressure on internal organs, such as the liver, lungs, and stomach, but it also reduces acid reflux. Lying on the right side creates more space in the chest cavity and reduces pressure on the heart muscles.

Imagine the chest cavity with the heart on the left side. If you lie on your right side, gravity pushes your heart into the chest cavity instead of against the wall of the rib cage. That puts less pressure on him and reduces his nighttime workload. If you already have a heart condition, such as heart disease, that extra work can take its toll.

Side sleep occurs when you avoid sleeping on your back or on your stomach and choose to sleep on one side or the other. Sometimes people choose to sleep on the right side and other times they choose the left side. Some people spend part of each night on one side and then switch to the other. For example, you might want to experiment with putting a body pillow behind your back to make it harder for you to fall on your left side while you sleep.

Right-sided sleep pressure relief regulates blood flow, which stabilizes heart rate and blood pressure. With a foam and hybrid option available, the Casper has a fantastic support and comfort option for a sleeper of any preference. Western research has also found that sleeping on the left side can help the body process waste materials from the brain. The things you ate last night can rest comfortably in the juices in your stomach and be digested properly while you sleep.

While these are the most common lateral positions, many people have combined sleep that change to a different side or even to the position of the back or stomach during the night. With several hybrid models, Helix is committed to serving a variety of sleepers, keeping them cool and comfortable from dusk to dawn. Specifically, lying on the left side allows food waste to pass easily from the large intestine to the descending colon (meaning you're more likely to have a bowel movement when you wake up). The Undervalued Potential of Positional Therapy in Position-Dependent Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Literature Review.

In an ideal world, you would sleep on your back without pillows, as this position leaves your neck in a neutral position. It can also be helpful to try to sleep on the opposite side of the bed than you normally do, so your sleeping orientation won't be much different (even if you sleep on the opposite side). If you have certain conditions, you should choose to sleep on one side or the other to maximize the health benefits of sleeping in that position. Poor digestion can also be associated with sleep disorders or sleeping in a position that is not conducive to proper digestion.

When done correctly with proper body alignment, sleeping on your side can reduce both joint and lower back pain, as well as chronic pain associated with long-term conditions, such as fibromyalgia. Doctors have long recommended that pregnant women sleep on their left side to improve circulation to the heart. Start at night on the left side to prevent heartburn and allow gravity to move waste through the colon. .