What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that is more common in men. Symptoms include loud snoring and feeling tired even after a full night's sleep. Treatment often includes lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and the use of a respiratory assistance device at night, such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. Furthermore, it is important to note that sleep studies are covered by insurance and can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.

If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep, you may have sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common respiratory disorder related to sleep. Causes you to stop breathing and start breathing repeatedly while you sleep. Sleep apnea is a common condition in which breathing stops and restarts many times while you sleep.

This can prevent the body from getting enough oxygen. You may want to talk to your healthcare provider about sleep apnea if someone tells you they snore or gasp during sleep, or if you experience other symptoms of poor quality sleep, such as excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when breathing stops and starts while you sleep. If left untreated, it can cause loud snoring, tiredness during the day, or more serious problems, such as heart problems or high blood pressure.

Sleep apnea is a common and serious disorder in which breathing stops repeatedly for 10 seconds or more during sleep. The disorder produces less oxygen in the blood and can briefly wake people who sleep during the night. Sleep apnea causes involuntary breathing pauses or apnea episodes during a single night's sleep. There can be 20 to 30 or more events per hour.

Between events, you can snore. However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can also make you feel like you are choking. Frequent interruptions to deep, restful sleep often lead to headaches early in the morning and excessive sleepiness during the day.

In either form of sleep apnea, breathing stops several times during sleep. These are called apnea episodes. Sleep apnea can also cause a choking sensation. When breathing restarts, you may snort or gasp.

These frequent breaks in deep, restful sleep often lead to headaches and excessive daytime sleepiness. Sudden drops in blood oxygen levels that occur during obstructive sleep apnea increase blood pressure and exert pressure. In addition, sleep apnea is linked to excessive daytime sleepiness, increasing the risk of car accidents and depression. Obstructive sleep apnea can cause people to have problems with certain medications or after major surgery because they are more likely to have breathing problems (especially when they are under anesthesia or lying on their backs).

They will review your family history of sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, if you have a risk factor for the condition, and if you have any undiagnosed sleep apnea complications (such as atrial fibrillation, difficult to control high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes). A primary care provider, pulmonologist, neurologist, or other healthcare provider with specialized training in sleep disorders will order a sleep study so that they can make a diagnosis and start treatment. Find out more about whether or not sleep studies are covered by insurance.

More than half of people with obstructive sleep apnea are overweight (body mass index or BMI) between 25 and 29. Based on the number of episodes of sleep apnea you had in one hour after your sleep test, your doctor can diagnose mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea. This condition, which doctors also call central sleep apnea arising from treatment, occurs when you have obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

Sudden drops in blood oxygen levels that occur during sleep apnea increase blood pressure and exert blood pressure. Air pressure is adjusted to be sufficient to prevent upper airway tissues from collapsing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much to allow normal breathing. Increasing evidence links sleep apnea to conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension), stroke, heart attack, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease, nocturnal angina, heart failure, hypothyroidism, and an abnormal heart rhythm.

People with sleep apnea are at higher risk for car accidents, work-related accidents, and other medical problems. These procedures are usually performed after sleep apnea has not responded to conservative measures and a CPAP test. They may struggle to concentrate and fall asleep at work, while watching TV, or even driving. While there have been some high-profile deaths related to sleep apnea, such as that of Judge Antonin Scalia, Jun says the real risk is damage caused over time.

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